Chances are if you have made an investment through a broker or financial advisor, you've had some sort of input into what you're wanting in regards to returns. Of course everyone wants terrific returns, but with those higher returns, your investment strategies become more dangerous. That's why some people opt to go the dangerous route in a gamble for higher returns and some go for modest returns with safe investments. No matter what kind of returns you're wanting, coming up with a goal with your financial advisor is imperative.

You should always keep track of your investments through monthly/quarterly reports provided by your advisor. It's when you start to just let things run on 'cruise control' is when you start to get into trouble occasionally. If you don't keep an eye on things, you could be losing money through fee's and not even know it. You should never just hand over a chunk of your hard earned money to an advisor and say "see ya later, good luck!" You need to let that advisor know not only what your goals are, but with what you're comfortable with and what you're uncomfortable with in terms of strategies and aggressiveness. Call or email Tony Dietrich if you're needing help with some of these tasks as he is a very qualified financial advisor and retirement planning strategist in Virginia serving clients nationwide.

So when working with your advisor, please remember to keep your goals realistic and voice those goals to your advisor. Your advisor works for you to earn you money and should be treated as a partnership in your wealth building. If there's an investment that seems too good to be true, it probably is. Any advisor or investment brokerage that offers your outrageous returns should probably be your first red flag. If there returns were so good, then they wouldn't need your business as their current client referrals alone would have them booked solid!

Invest safely people :)

Tony Dietrich